Residential Living Options

勒努瓦-雷恩为住宿学生提供各种各样的一年级和高年级学生住房选择, including traditional style, suite-style, apartments and themed housing.

First-Year Housing

  • Isenhour Hall

    Features and Specifications

    • Suite-style bathrooms, sink in room
    • 男女同校的 and single-gender floors
    • Air-conditioned
    • Laundry facilities
    • Snack machines
    • Cable TV outlets in each room
    • 个人电脑数据插孔和无线
    • Security access system
    • Community kitchen facility
    • Study lounge on each floor
    • Activity room with TV
    • Outdoor bike rack

    窗口: Approximately 47" x 76"

    房间: Approximately 10' x 17'

    Closet: Approximately 45" wide by 68.5" tall. 一个内置的16英寸深的架子位于壁橱顶部大约16英寸处. 每个衣柜的底部都有一个倾斜的鞋架. Each closet has a curtain.

    地毯: All bedrooms are carpeted

    Room Color: Antique White

    窗口 Coverings: 提供百叶窗(可自备窗帘及拉杆)

    床: Loft/bunk options

    Mattresses: 80" long

    Lighting: 房间门边有一盏灯,床上方有荧光灯. 115至126房间的每张桌子上方都有一盏荧光灯.

    Desk Measurements: 42"L x 24"W x 30"H

    Special Features: 客房配有美国残疾人协会专用门铃和烟雾探测器

    Community Kitchen: 位于大堂,设有三炉/烤箱, microwave, sink with disposal, 冰箱和橱柜(不提供锅碗瓢盆等用品)

    Isenhour Hall Virtual Tour

First-Year & Upperclass Housing

  • Conrad Hall

     Features & Specifications

    • 男女同校的
    • Community bathrooms
    • Air-conditioned
    • Hard surface floor
    • Moveable furniture
    • Laundry facilities
    • Cable TV outlets in each room
    • 个人电脑数据插孔和无线
    • Security card access system
    • Activity room, study lounges
    • Outdoor bike rack
    • Teaching fellows
    • Sprinkler system throughout
    • Pool tables
    • Kitchen
    • Patio with furniture
    • Business center
    • TV lounge
    • Study lounge with fireplace
    • Movie theater
    • Recycling
    • Front desk Information center

    窗口: 107、110、207、217、220、307、310、317、320房间约35间.25" x 64"(提醒房间约47.25" x 64")

    房间: Approximately 12' x 16.5'

    Closet: Approximately 45"W x 28" H

    Room Color: Antique white

    窗口 Coverings: 提供百叶窗(可自备窗帘及拉杆)

    床: All beds can be lofted

    Mattresses: Vary from 75" to 80" long

    Lighting: 每个房间的墙上都有一盏荧光灯

    Desk Measurements: 36"L x 24"W x 29.5"H

    Special Features: 客房配有美国残疾人协会专用门铃和烟雾探测器

    Conrad Hall Virtual Tour
  • Fritz Hall

     Features & Specifications

    • 男女同校的 by floor
    • Community bathrooms
    • Air-conditioned
    • Movable furniture
    • Laundry facilities
    • Cable TV outlets in each room
    • 个人电脑数据插孔和无线互联网
    • Security card access system
    • Outdoor bike rack
    • 公共区域壁炉,台球桌和座位
    • Kitchen
    • Patio with furniture
    • Business center
    • TV lounge
    • Study lounge with fireplace
    • Movie theater
    • Front desk information center

    窗口: Approximately 59.25"W x 60"H

    房间: Approximately 13.5'W x 13.5'L

    Closet: Approximately 35" W x 41.5"H. Closet has folding doors. 一个内置的16英寸深的架子位于壁橱顶部大约16英寸处.

    Room Color: Antique White

    窗口 Coverings: 提供百叶窗(可自备窗帘及拉杆)

    床: Loft/bunk options

    Mattresses: Vary from 75" to 80" long

    Lighting: Rooms have dual fluorescent lighting

    Desk Measurements: 42"L x 24"W x 35"H

    Special Features: 客房配有美国残疾人协会专用门铃和烟雾探测器

    Fritz Hall Virtual Tour

Upperclass Housing

  • Living Learning Center

    Features & Specifications

    • 男女同校的 by apartment
    • 公寓式,有四个单人间或两个双人间
    • Each bedroom door has a separate lock
    • Air-conditioned
    • Laundry facilities
    • Snack machines
    • Elevator
    • Cable TV outlets in each room
    • 个人电脑数据插孔和无线互联网
    • Security card access system
    • 二楼和三楼有自习室
    • Conference room on the first floor
    • Outdoor basketball court

    Bedroom 窗口: Approximately 76"H x 48"W


    • 单人房尺寸约为8英尺宽x 11英尺高
    • 双人间宽约10英尺,高约15英尺

    Closet: Approximately 34"W x 30"H. 橱柜风格,底部有四个抽屉,顶部有两个储物间.

    地毯: All bedrooms are carpeted

    Room Color: Antique White

    窗口 Coverings: 提供百叶窗(可自备窗帘及拉杆)

    床: Loft/bunk options

    Mattresses: 80" long

    Lighting: 房间有一个荧光灯顶灯

    Desk Measurements: 42"L x 24"W x 30"H

    Special Features: 客房配有美国残疾人协会专用门铃和烟雾探测器. TDDY available. Handicap accessible.

    Living Room 窗口: Approximately 76"H x 48"W

    Living Room

    • Approximately 14' x 12' (double)
    • Approximately 19' x 12' (single)

    Furniture: Love seat and chair 

    Kitchen: Equipped with a four-burner stove/oven, mini-refrigerator, 水槽和橱柜(不提供锅碗瓢盆等用品)

    Living Learning Center Virtual Tour
  • Price Village

    Features & Specifications

    • 联排别墅男女同校(每单位6或15人)
    • 套房式浴室或私人浴室
    • Air-conditioned
    • 地毯
    • 可移动家具(有些有内置壁橱)
    • 百叶窗
    • Community laundry facilities
    • Snack machines
    • Cable TV outlets in each room
    • 个人电脑数据插孔和无线互联网
    • Security card access system
    • 每个单元都有小厨房和客厅
    • 联排别墅V是Zeta Tau Alpha姐妹会的所在地
    • 联排别墅U是Theta Xi兄弟会的所在地


    • 小单位:约29" x 47" (E, I, J, M, N). 25" x 47" front, 24.75" x 50.75" back (F, H, K, L, Q, T)
    • Large unit: Approximately 29" x 51”

    房间: Measurement varies per unit

    Closet: Free-standing wardrobes

    地毯: All bedrooms are carpeted 

    Room Color: Antique White

    窗口 Coverings: 提供百叶窗(可自备窗帘及拉杆)

    床: Most beds have loft/bunk options

    Mattresses: Vary from 75" to 80" long

    Lighting: 房间有一个荧光灯顶灯

    Desk Measurements: 42"L x 24"W x 30"H

    Community Living 房间: Located in each unit (furniture varies)

    Community Kitchen: Each unit is equipped with a microwave, 水槽和橱柜(不提供锅碗瓢盆等用品)

    Price Village Virtual Tour
  • Hickory House

    Features & Specifications

    • One- or two-bedroom apartments
    • 每个公寓的客厅和小厨房区
    • One bathroom in each apartment
    • Air-conditioned
    • Movable furniture
    • Laundry facility
    • 每个房间和客厅都有有线电视插口
    • 个人电脑数据插孔和无线网络
    • ADA无障碍房间和聋人/听障人士房间

    房间: 所有房间都有阁楼/铺位选择,桌子,桌椅和壁橱

    Bathroom: 所有公寓都有一个带淋浴的浴室

    Closet: Closet and/or wardrobe provided

    地毯: 公寓里只有卧室铺了地毯

    Room Color: Golden Yellow

    窗口 Coverings: 提供百叶窗(可自备窗帘及拉杆)

    床: Bunk/loft options

    Mattresses: The mattress size is XL twin

    桌子: Desk and chair are provided

    Community Living 房间: 客厅配有沙发、沙发椅、咖啡桌和电视

    Kitchen: 厨房区有冰箱,微波炉和橱柜(没有烤箱/炉子)

    Hickory House Virtual Tour
  • 4th Street Apartments

    Features & Specifications

    • 提供沙发、软垫椅、茶几和电视
    • 微波炉,全尺寸冰箱,提供四个吧台凳
    • Pantry area and cabinets for storage
    • 每间卧室配有两张特大号单人床, two desks, two desk chairs, four two-drawer dressers and one closet
    • 公寓的前门是用卡进入的(卧室用钥匙)
    • 无障碍公寓(所有无障碍公寓均符合ADA标准)
    • 所有房间都铺着LR学校颜色的地毯(所有公共区域都铺着乙烯基木地板)
    • 客厅可调温控器


    • Bedroom: 10’6" x 11’7"
    • Kitchen: 14’10" x 7’7"
    • Living 房间: 14’10" x 11’
    4th Street Apartments Virtual Tour

Specialized Housing

  • Fraternity and Sorority Life

    全球网赌十大网站为兄弟会和姐妹会的学生提供专门的住宿. 这些组织中的每一个都有占领房屋或价格村单位的特权,以加强和发展他们的组织.

    Greek Housing Virtual Tour
  • Residential Learning Communities

    First Generation

    如果你是你的直系亲属中第一个上大学的, 第一代住宿学习社区(RLC)可能适合你.

    第一代RLC提供了与其他第一代学生共享空间和时间的机会. 学生们在Fritz-Conrad共用一层楼,以及一个特别指定的休息室. In addition to shared space, 学生将有机会参加校内和校外的共同活动,并得到同伴和教师导师的支持, 他们都是第一代大学生.

    住在校园里的好处是显而易见的,而住宿学习社区的好处会增加这些好处. 所以,加入全球网赌十大网站的第一代住宿学习社区,给自己带来额外的优势. Remember, there’s power in being first.

    Global Village

    Lenoir-Rhyne为寻求跨文化差异有意义的互动的学生提供专门的住宿, 在一个勇敢而好客的生活空间里,居民们带着好奇心接近他们的社区成员, patience and hospitality. 地球村的居民将通过相互学习来提高他们的跨文化技能, 更加意识到文化差异和相似之处, 并在跨文化互动中培养更大的信心.

    Honors Housing

    勒努瓦-雷恩学院为参加荣誉课程的学生提供专门的住宿. 荣誉之家的居民受益于轻松的生活选择,因此他们可以在严格的课程中取得最好的成绩.